Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I Love Spring

The children and I went to our local botanical garden today and what fun we had. This was my first trip to the garden this year and I was struck by how different it looked than last year. My visits last year were mostly in mid-summer and the gardens were all a riot of color. Today everything was very green but I think the only splashes of color we saw were the azaleas and rhododendrons. Those were in the last garden we visited so I suppose my impressions were based on the earlier, most extensive part of of visit.

The children were excited to see the fauna in addition to the flora. We saw gobs of geese and two graceful swans as well as a few mallard ducks and several smaller birds we have yet to identify.

This garden also has a log cabin which the children were disappointed to find locked. They checked out the exterior pretty thoroughly and Oldest Daughter suggested climbing the chimney and gaining access that way...she's always up for an adventure!

Our botanical garden visit is the most "blog worthy" happening of the day. However, I'd be remiss in not mentioning some other high points: the children's excellent behavior at the produce market; I was able to acknowledge their good behavior...so often the good behavior goes by without being responded to, unfortunately; time on the backyard swing set; a great time listening to our new Lyrical Life Science CD; more excitement watching (and feeding!) our spiders (caught around the house and living in glass houses!); a new recipe that got thumbs up (pizza chicken); and an evening thunderstorm.

Whew....that was an action packed day!

1 comment:

Marianne Elizabeth said...

Just love it! It is going to be sooo fun blogging. Isn't it? marianne