Sunday, May 27, 2007

Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Over on the 4Real boards there was a thread on Our Lady Undoer of Knots. I loved the image of Our Lady under this title. And since I can get life pretty knotted up I thought I better get to know her better!

Tonight as I said my rosary I kept getting an image in my mind of a huge was in the middle of a long cord, much like the single strand at the bottom of the rosary, but without beads. And I was drawn to the thought of Our Lady Undoer of Knots. It then occurred to me that while the Blessed Mother probably untangles more of our knots than we'll ever know about she may leave some there to use as a foothold to pull ourselves up closer to Jesus. This thought then made me think about Katherine's post over at Life in the Onion Dome. I love the part where she writes, "The end is not the point. The point is the process." Perhaps sometimes all those knots I'm trying to get undone are actually my footholds on my climb to heaven.

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